CASEBook (Megaschool)
CASEBook is an advanced learning, content creation and school management system.
I designed and developed this learning platform for my client from scratch for schools and colleges in Israel.
Right now the system in use by few thousand students in different schools across Israel (Mofet, John Bryce, Seminar Kibutsim, Hamal, etc.).
The system consist of web management (admin), student and teacher web portals, and mobile application.
It developed in PHP (without any framework), Javascript (with jQuery) and MySQL.
System is running on a custom compiled, secure and highly optimized Gentoo Linux server, with Apache, MySQL and lightweight NginX web server for static content.
Clients Megaschool Website
Student Web Portal
- Manage personal information per class
- Run real-time exams with personal password
- Check overall performance statistics per classes or in global
- Read articles assigned for specific dates by teacher
- Do homework, Communicate with teachers, and more...
CASEBook Mobile
Most of the same features of Student web portal but in iOS (iPhone and iPad).
Teacher Web Portal
- Manage students personal information or assign them to his classes
- Communicate with students
- Create all time visible multicolor class messages
- Build, manage and monitor ongoing exams in real-time, extends extra time per student
- Create special instructions per exam or homework or set password for them
- Build, manage and monitor homework progress per student
- Add and manage articles and assign them to students
- Check progress or performance statistics per student, class or school
- Export reports and statistics to excel files
Web Management
- Full management of schools, classes, departments, students, teachers, etc...
- Create content for books and assign their availability to classes for teachers to use.
- Manage other users permissions on every aspect of the system
- Assign multi hierarchical content management permissions for other admin user to write, manage or publish content
- Create and manage dynamic permission based rendered articles with images and video
- Create questions for each article section with tips and answer explanations, for teacher created exams and homework
- Inline Reach Content Editor
- Import and export students, teachers and other data from excel files
- Interfaces to create help content, dynamic translations, internal tasks system, and more...
Common features for all platforms
- Dynamic per department multilingual support (for example: military, university, school have differently translated terms in each language).
- Full logging for every action or error
- Detailed help menu with images or movies that can appear for each option on a screen
- The system translated in to three languages, more coming soon.